"Description": "Domain ownership verification file for Microsoft 365 - place in the website root", "Domain": "sweetwatermission.org", "Id": "59a32baf-fbcd-476e-8d8b-9cbfbbd8bc1b"
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Come for the RUN, stay for the FUN...

A Day of Family Fun - FREE ADMISSION

Food Trucks and Caterers

Live Music & Performances

Kids' Activities, Face Painting, Bouncy House

Local Vendors and Much More!

How do we help?


The truth is that many families are just one life crisis away from being propelled into poverty.


We are committed to battle the effects of poverty headon to stabilize families and help move them into a more abundant life.


We are a coalition of local churches, businesses, civic groups, and caring individuals representing community at its very best!

How can you help?


All partnerships are critical to our success and your help is needed!


Church congregations expand their local mission outreach through prayer, financial support and in-kind donations. Businesses encourage their employees and customers to get involved. Civic groups create awareness with strong networking and volunteer support. Together, we make it happen!

Events & Announcements

FREE GED Classes

Every Monday and Wednesday   9:00 am to 12:00 noon

Provided by Cobb Literacy Council

Sweetwater Mission Community Room, Suite C

FREE Career Development Workshops

Workshops covering special topics designed to give you that special "edge" that should catapult your job search or career change to the next level! To learn more, click here.

Sweetwater Mission Topgolf Challenge

Sunday, March 4   3:00 to 7:00 pm

Topgolf Atlanta Midtown, 1600 Ellsworth Industrial Blvd.

Have fun while supporting Sweetwater Mission! Bring a group of friends, coworkers or become a sponsor today... A GREAT TEAM BUILDER!

Charity Golf Tournament

Monday, October 1     City Club Marietta

Join sports celebrities in this exclusive event at the beautiful City Club Marietta. Sponsors, foursomes and individual players are invited!

Sweetwater Mission
has prevented hunger
and homelessness since 1968.
Stabilizing families by
providing basic needs
and transforming lives
through education and
employment opportunities.
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'
"The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine,
you did for me."
Matthew 25: 35, 36, 40
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More information coming soon!

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