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Player Information
For info Call Debbie Ginocchio at 770-846-0469
Event Details
- Monday, September 30th, 2024
- City Club Marietta Golf Course
- Registration begins at 7:30 am
- Shotgun start at 9:00 am
- Four-man scramble format
- All players eligible for 4 hole-in-one contests
- All players eligible for longest drive
and closest to the pin contests
- Trophies for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams
- Special $50,000 shoot out
Player + Bonus Bundle - $200
Individual Player - $150
Individual Player Package PLUS:
- Chance to qualify for $50,000 Hole-in-One Contest
- Chance to qualify for $5,000 Dice Roll
- Scratch-off Ticket for Guaranteed Trip Winner
- $10 Worldwide Golf Shops Gift Card
- $100 Gift Card to Naked Wine
- Free Bonus Golf Club of Choice
- Cart, Greens Fees and Range Balls
- Continental Breakfast, Snacks
- Lunch & Beverage
- Chance to Win a $50,000 CA$H and $10,000 for Taxes
- Longest Drive, Closest to Pin, 4 Hole-in-One Contests
- Hospitality Tents with Food, Water, Soft Drinks, Beer
Thanks to our 2024 Sponsors!
Atlanta Beverage Company
Marietta City Club
South Cobb Rotary
For more information contact Debbie Ginocchio at 770-846-0469 or
Conveniently located just a few blocks from the historic Marietta Square. The Course presents challenging shot selections and bentgrass greens while providing an incredible golfing experience. City Club Marietta has presented golfers 100 years of the finest playing experience among rolling hills, towering pines, and spectacular Southern vistas.