"Description": "Domain ownership verification file for Microsoft 365 - place in the website root", "Domain": "sweetwatermission.org", "Id": "59a32baf-fbcd-476e-8d8b-9cbfbbd8bc1b"
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Work Training & Life Skills

Our HOPE Program offers work readiness training in a three-part curriculum that includes computer skills, resume writing, interview skills, effective communication, work ethics and more.


The goal is not just to help participants get a job, but to

help them become retainable and promotable employees. 


Students participate in a variety of in-depth personal assessments and receive instruction in decision making, accountability, financial literarcy, anger management, conflict resolution, respecting cultural differences and more.


The HOPE Program offers a comprehensive, transformational experience in five parts:


1. Self-Evaluation Assessments

2. Principle Centered Foundation... Core Values, Communication & Life Skills

3. Personal Assessments... Gifts and DISC Personality

4. Professional Assessments... Career, JUNG, Team Roles

5. Computer Training... Microsoft Office, Google, and more

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Identifies strengths and weaknesses in the individual and lays a principle centered foundation upon which to build the participant's personal life.



Identifies the participant's gifts, talents, personalities, experiences, character traits upon which participants can build a person life.



Combines the results of all areas including computer training to develop a professional portfolio, identify areas for jobs search and interview skills

Our participants come from all walks of life and gain an entrepreneurial mindset. They become hirable, promotable and retainable even in tough times!

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